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Use Clip Magnets to Hang Heavy Items

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When I added a kitchen command center to my kitchen I wanted some magnetic clips to hold up things like calendars, coupons, cards, pictures and things like wedding invites and save the dates. But the only magnetic clips I could find were just too weak to hold more than a single sheet of paper.

That's why I love these super strong clip magnets. They have very sturdy clips that firmly grip heavy objects. And, the magnets on the back are quite strong so they never fall down. They're great for displaying grocery lists, reminders and family photos.

I keep a bunch on my fridge too. Since the surface of my sleek black fridge is slippery, I had one magnet start to slip when I hung a catalog up. (I like to get clutter off my kitchen table but if I move stuff too far out of sight I forget all about it). But, I found a simple fix for slipping magnets.

Did anyone else know they needed a kitchen command center before they discovered Pinterest? I just love all the fun tips for getting and staying organized. If you decide to create one of your own, you might want to get some super handy clip magnets for yours too.

Anti Slip Magnets with Strong Clips

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