Express yourself and share your hobbies with those around you with a unique badge reel in your favorite color - pink, green, blue, black, red and more. Our decorative badge holders come with designs of popular hobbies like crocheting or gardening and fashion themes range from casual flip flops to designer heels and hats. Choose reel color & clip type for a designer reel.
Easily display your name with hobby & fashion retractable ID badge reels - perfect for craft fairs & festivals. A unique name tag holder is a great way to identify yourself to customers when you're selling your homemade crafts at a craft fair. Look professional as you run your booth - people will be more likely to introduce themselves and ask more about what you do, which can lead to more sales.
Fashionable badge reels with fun feminine designs are a great gift for professional women. If she loves makeup, fashion, high heels or bows, she'll love our line of feminine name badge holders in purple, pink, fuchsia, tuquoise, violet and other girly colors.
You'll also enjoy Kyle's line of sports & game badge reels and abstract decorative badge holder designs.
Shop All Designer Badge Reels for our full collection of steel and nylon cord reels in black, white or bright colors.