Keep your cash secure with a monogram money clip featuring an etched metal cutout of your first or last initial. Order in gold or silver and select any color - blue, green, red and more - for a personalized money clip that represents you. Engrave on back.
There's no question who the money belongs to when it's tightly secured in a monogram money clip with your first initial. Make a statement with a sturdy metal Letter design money clip. Have your full name engraved on the back if you so desire.
Not only does your Initial money clip come with your favorite letter, but it also comes with your favorite color. Select any color to create a money clip that's personalized just for you. Get monogram letter money clips for everyone in your group and customize each one.
Get a special gift for every guy in your wedding party. There's no better way to get them something unique that refelcts who they are and still get a unifying gift for everyone in your group. The guys will love their custom letter money clips and will use them for years to come.
Make your wedding day all the more special by showing the guys how much you care. Shop Money Clips for Men or click Decorative Money Clips to see other exclusive designs.