If you can't drink your tea or coffee without sugar - or know someone else who can't like your mom, sister or boyfriend - be prepared with a small travel case for sweetener packets. Available in attractive silver or gold metal finishes, these handy travel cases are totally customized to you for a trendy and stylish way to help you keep your weight under control. Guys will appreciate the slim size and curved edges that make them comfortable to carry in the pocket of jeans or other pants, but they are also perfect for a woman's purse. These unique personalized sugar packet holders come in 30 great colors so you can customize one for yourself, your grandma or your husband.
Sweetener Package Cases Shown
Gold travel case for sweetener packets with teapot design over purple iridescent.
Silver tea sweetener travel case with craftsman design over rainforest iridescent.
Shop all personalized sugar packet holders.
There are 6 review(s) for this product
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by Nancy – 16th Jan 2019
Beautiful product and excellent service! (and I don't spend the time writing reviews unless I'm extremely satisfied- or the opposite!)
by Cheryl S. – 16th Jan 2019
Love the packet holder. Thank you.
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